Ghaliah Conroy
28.05 2023


Ghaliah Conroy participates in the KOMMA programme. She has a short working period at PARK and responds to the exhibition 'In The Garden Of Doubt And Panic' by Sylvie Zijlmans & Hewald Jongenelis.

Ghaliah (1996) is an Irish/French Guianese dance maker and performer. She has a unique perspective, being of mixed cultures and backgrounds. She is very much interested in issues such as race and gender when it comes to her work and she is fascinated about the topic of identity. Growing up as a minority and having to deal with ignorance and barriers in the art world has greatly influenced her reasons for making.

Maja Irene Boliert is also making a KOMMA inspired by the exhibition. On Sunday May 28 both will present their interdisciplinary maker's commentary. 
Start at 3.30 pm, free entrance, you are kindly invited.

For more information about Ghaliah Conroy on the KOMMA-page click here

Cooperation with DansBrabant.