Evangelos Biskas
07.10 2023


Evangelos Biskas participates in the KOMMA programme. He has a short working period at PARK and responds to the anniversary exhibition 'X'.

Evangelos Biskas (1994 GR) is a dance artist working as a choreographer, performer, dramaturg and teacher
based in Tilburg (NL). The nature of the human body is the heart of Evangelos’s creations which aim to make space for its adaptable, intuitive and vulnerable qualities. His curiosity to explore new possibilities of working with the body brings an interdisciplinary essence in his projects that challenge the boundaries between dance, physical theatre, comedy, contemporary circus, sound design and new media.

Tatiana Rosa is also making a KOMMA inspired by the exhibition. On Saturday 7 October, they will both present their interdisciplinary maker's commentary.
Starts at 3:30pm. Admission free, welcome!

For more information about Evangelos Biskas on the KOMMA page click here

Collaboration with DansBrabant.