Tatiana Rosa
07.10 2023


Tatiana Rosa  participates in the KOMMA programme. She has a short working period at PARK and responds to the anniversary exhibition 'X'.

Tatiana Rosa (1991) is a Portuguese flutist, composer and audio-visual artist, currently based in Amsterdam. Her work, deeply linked with the use of electronics, digital tools, as well as literal and intuitive interpretation of data, aims to redirect the use of technology and data driven experiences, by subverting their use, whilwe establishing close relationships between art, socio-political awareness, and technological impact.

Evangelos Biskas is also making a KOMMA inspired by the exhibition. On Saturday 7 October, they will both present their interdisciplinary maker's commentary.
Starts at 3:30pm. Admission free, welcome!

For more information about Tatiana Rosa on the KOMMA page click here
Collaboration with DansBrabant.

Foto Diana Tinoco